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Born and raised in Colorado in the United States, I grew up believing that I could achieve something for the betterment of this world. I feel blessed today to say that I'm doing just that. 


My early career in marketing taught me a lot but it didn't fulfil.  Always drawn to the foreign land and with a dream of living abroad, I finally took the leap in 2010 when I moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina to finish my Masters in Linguistics and start working as a teacher.  Although the journey of transformation started long before I moved, it accelerated in a new environment that surprisingly had so much to offer in terms of healing and self exploration.  It was there where I discovered Constellation work among other things and where I was able to dig deep into my life story and why things had happened the way they did.  Surprisingly I found there were answers too.  The years in Buenos Aires were years of tremendous growth and transformation.  It was a time when I could fully align with who I am at my core.  As an Irish citizen due to my maternal grandmother, from this point I followed the path of my ancestors back to Europe.  I currently live in Brussels, Belgium with my husband Gabriel and dog North.  


I believe in lifelong learning, continual growth and the quest to know and embody our true natures.   As an Integrative Therapist, my goal and focus is on bringing consciousness and a new perception to your life and relationships.  So much of my work is about connecting you to Life, and this happens the more one is able to connect to their true nature and self. 


My approach is an integral one that includes the whole person - body, mind and spirit. I work with Family/Systemic Constellations & Ritual, Somatic Psychotherapy & Trauma Recovery, and Psychological & Evolutionary Astrology, for the clients who would benefit from it.  â€‹Whether we work on the systemic level with Family/Systemic Constellations, on the mind/body level with Bioenergetics & Somatic Experience, with the world of symbols and the rich language Astrology can give, or on a level of spirit with all things combined, considering the whole person is vital for real and lasting change. 


My pursuits have included both traditional and non-traditional educational paths.  I have a Bachelor degree in Marketing and a Master degree in Linguistics.  I have earned several certifications as a Family & Systemic Constellation Facilitator from different teachers and approaches around the world.  Most of my teachers have been first-generational facilitators, learning directly from Hellinger. I have also studied with and observed many of the biggest names in constellation work, including Bert Hellinger himself, Anngwyn St. Just, Stephan Hausner, Franz Ruppert, and Joan Garriga from Institut Gestalt Barcelona.  A complete list of my studies and teachers is below.


In addition to Constellation work, I am a Practitioner of Systemic Ritual® from Daan van Kampenhout which combines constellation work and shamanic ritual, a Bioenergetics Analysis psychotherapist, a Somatic Experience therapist and a Counseling Astrologer with studies from the Faculty of Astrological Studies in London & Casa XI in Buenos Aires, among other schools.


As a young girl I knew I would be a life-long student and teacher.  What I didn’t know then is that it would be toward my own healing and that of others.  The journey to self is the most important journey of all.  It leads to peace, fulfilment, and authenticity My work is for you to find and connect with these elements, because from there the connection to Life has been made.   


The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you really are. - Carl Jung


 What you can expect from working with me: self knowledge, self acceptance, and self mastery.  More information about my specific qualifications is found below. 


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Meghan's Professional Training​​



  • Bi-weekly Constellation group work - Buenos Aires, Argentina (2013 to 2014): SECI/Center of Latin American Constellations, Anni Schuff

  • Organizational & Professional Constellations - Buenos Aires, Argentina (2014): SECI/Center of Latin American Constellations, Anni Schuff

  • Systemic Constellations & the Field - Boulder, Colorado/USA (2015): Hemisphere Consulting, Elmar Dornberger

  • Constellations for Couples Intensive Workshop - Barcelona, Spain (2015): Institut Gestalt, Joan Garriga

  • Family & Systemic Constellations Training & Supervision - Barcelona, Spain (2015-2017):  Centro Espai Obert, Maria Crespo

  • Bert Hellinger Intensive - Ir al Origin, Movimientos de exclusión y de inclusión - Avila, Spain (2016): Hellinger Sciencia®

  • Systemic Ritual® Practitioner - Berlin, Germany (2017-2019): Daan van Kampenhout 

  • Advanced Constellation Facilitator Training & Art Therapy - Online (2020-2021): Pia Kalhof

  • Systemic Trauma Training Post Graduate - Online (2021): Systemic Trauma University, Anngwyn St. Just

  • Systemic Constellation Supervision certification- Online (2021-2022), the Centre of Systemic Constellations in London



  • Trained Psychotherapist of Analysis Bioenergetics (2017-2023 & in process of certification): Barcelona Institute for Bioenergetics Analysis (ACAB)

  • Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner - Adala SE Barcelona, Spain (2021-2024)

  • ​Practitioner of Psychosomatic Body Work (2017-2021): Madrid Institute for Bioenergetics Analysis (AABM)

  • Practitioner of Psychosomatic Body Work (PPOB) & Member of the Belgium Association of Bioenergetics (SOBAB) (2023+)

  • Member of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA) (2018 to Present)

  • Member of The European Federation for Bioenergetic Analysis and The European Association for Psychotherapy (2018 to Present)​​​​



  • Casa XI Astrological School - Buenos Aires, Argentina (2016 - 2019)

  • Escuela de las Astoconstelaciones - Training in AstroGeneaology - Buenos Aires, Argentina (2020)

  • Faculty of Astrological Studies - London, England (2020 - 2022)

  • Psychological Astrology - Dublin, Ireland (2021) & Teaching Assistant (2022)

  • Relationships & Astrology - Dublin, Ireland (2021)



  • Bachelor Degree in Business Administration, Marketing - Colorado Mesa University (1997-2001)

  • Master in Linguistics, emphasis in the Spanish language - University of Colorado, Denver (2008-2012) 

  • Master coursework at the University of Buenos Aires, Facultad de Letras (2010-2011) 



  • Stephen Hausner Intensive - Barcelona, Spain (2016): Institut Gestalt

  • Constellations and Trauma with Franz Ruppert - Barcelona, Spain (2016): Meta Institut Sistèmic​

  • Intensive in Professional and Organisational Constellations - Barcelona, Spain (2016 & 2017): Talent Manager, Cecilio Regojo

  • Yoni Constellations - Online (September 2021): Systemic Trauma University, Irmgard Rauscher

  • Shadow Constellations - Online (2022): Systemic Trauma University, Nir Esterman

  • Medicine Wheel & Rites of Passage - Mexico City, Mexico (2023-2024): La Mujer & Carpa Lunar â€‹â€‹

  • Kinesiology, Three in One Concepts® - Barcelona, Spain (2016, 2020): Vida Kinesiología, Francesca Simeon

  • The Silva Method & Silva Life System - Galway, Ireland (2020)

Constellations, Systemic Work & Other Achievements


  • Systemic Constellation Supervision certification- the Centre of Systemic Constellations in London (2021-2022)

  • Guest presenter at the Minnesota Center for Systemic Constellations - Moving from Separation to Community, a Constellations & Systemic Ritual workshop (March 2024)


  • Creator of AstroConstellation™ by Meghan Kelly, my own method for combining Astrology & Systemic Constellations (July 2023)

  • Published in the International Journal of the Astrological Association - July/August 2023, "Fate, destiny and the origin of problems", Great Britain

  • Included and quoted in the International Journal of the Astrological Association - May/June 2024, "So, how does astrology work?", Great Britain

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