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For Constellation Facilitators
For Constellation Facilitators

Empathic Connection is What Heals Most
Empathy: a compassionate understanding or a respectful understanding, which also functions as a pressure release valve. As empathic...

How do I get started with Family & Systemic Constellations?
There is no one way to get started with Constellation work, but there are a few things to consider: A group setting or an individual one?...

Psychological Astrology - Symbolic Insights into the Workings of the Psyche
Many of you know I work with Astrology, and I find it to be one of the most misunderstood and underestimated resources out there. In...

Holding Space: The Gift of Representing
We have a term in English “to hold space” which translates in Spanish to something like “sostener”, to maintain or "hold" an emotion. In...

Message from the Field: Mother Earth & Corona
We did a beautiful constellation last week on Mother Earth & Corona. Here is a short summary of the highlights. As we opened this...

The Journey from Shortage to Excess and the Importance of Self-Regulation in These Times
Like a pendulum, when something is out of balance, it’s natural to go from one pole to the next. In the first weeks of the lockdown fears...

Welcome to the Corona Cocoon
I have thought about this metaphor for a few weeks now and today saw it written like this. Most of us are staying at home. For the...
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